
Par Joana P. Il y a 8 ans


It's summer in Lisbon! The heat, the sun, the beaches and the Portuguese cuisine await you! Lisbon is the city that enchants tourists from all around the globe , especially those who admire authentic unique beauty destinations.



Portugal will fascinate you with the beauty of its natural landscapes. The charming coast of Estoril, Cascais and Sintra offers - her vast and unique areas to unravel filled with mandatory stops of cultural framework.



The monuments of Sintra, for example, have received more than 1 million visitors in the first half of 2016 and the Algarve is the best destination in the world for retirees, according to the source Live and Invest Overseas.


Portugal attract not only anonymous tourists but also celebrities. David Beckham, Christophe Sauvat, Philippe Starck e Christian Louboutin
are just a few celebrities who love to visit and live in Lisbon. It is the ideal place for those who wish to connect with foreign culture and an above-average quality of life. Join them and us and meet Lisbon!


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