My Lisboa with radio presenter Marta Rocha

My Lisboa | Marta Rocha
Par Joana CIDADES Il y a 8 ans
Catégories :
My Lisboa

“Lisbon blends the cultural offering of a major European city with the close proximity of a village”


Why Lisbon?


It's home. It was already home before being.


What makes the difference in Lisbon?


Lisbon blends the cultural offering of a major European city with the close proximity of a village. This is, for me, the main characteristic that defines it and distinguishes it.



What was the last discovery you made in Lisbon?


The Estrela, in Graça. A few years from now, when someone creates documents about the alternative scene in Lisbon, I am sure that the Estrela will be highlighted as the place where there was so much boiling before it exploded.



What is your favorite restaurant?


I do not know if it is my favorite, but it is where I go more often: PSI, in Campo Mártires da Pátria. Besides the food and the zen and friendly atmosphere, it has one of the best lassis of the world (alright, of the city).




Restaurant PSI



When you need a place to relax in the city, where do you go?


I did not want to use a cliché, but the truth is that any viewpoint of the city, preferably at the end of the day is perfect to rest. “Oh, what about the tourists on the tuk-tuks?” - if you look ahead, to the sun pointing at the terraces and changing the colors of the city over the hours, the fussing just vanishes. I swear.



Miradouro de Santa Luzia

Santa Luzia belvedere



What is the best kept secret in Lisbon?


The city's shadows are as beautiful as the light and that the subway sometimes arrives at the scheduled time.



Where do you like to go shopping?


Monthly at Mercado Nervo, in Anjos 70.



Mercado Nervo

Mercado Nervo (Source: Shifter)



If you had to recommend a culture space in the city... what would it be?


Fortunately it is almost impossible to choose. Having to do it, I will say Musicbox.







One word to describe Lisbon…


A mix.



Give us an idea for Lisbon…


Recently we faced the lack of good Chinese karaoke restaurants. A good idea would be to implement more, as well as bars with food during the night. Dancing makes me hungry.



Who is Marta Rocha?


Marta Rocha produces and speaks on Antena 3. She is powered by coffee and Platonic passions. She talks too much, laughs loudly, and writes a lot. She uses others’ songs to tell the rest. Expert in interpretation of imaginary video clips, enjoys communicating in a melancholy tone, a feeling that invades her when her jokes are not understood.