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Algarve was the fastest growing region in the country due to tourism

Algarve was the fastest growing region in the country due to tourism
Par Joana P. Il y a 9 ans

Algarve was the region that grew the most in 2015, but the North, the Center and Lisbon continue to be the main drivers of the Portuguese economy


During the period of economic recovery, the North was the main engine of the economy, however, the Algarve was the country's fastest growing region. The result is explained by the positive evolution of tourism in the Algarve. In 2014, it had already been the region of the country with the highest growth and in 2015 repeated the feat, with a growth rate of 2.7%, followed by the North and Center with 1.9%.



Tourism explains this improvement of the Algarve economy, as it is a contribution, that translates into revenues in trade, transport, accommodation and catering. North and the Central areas, on the other hand, are primary economic engine in the industry.



Source: TVI 24