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Jamie Oliver plans to open a restaurant in Lisbon

Jamie Oliver plans to open a restaurant in Lisbon
Par Joana P. Il y a 9 ans
Catégories :
Lisbon Restaurants

The famous British chef wants to open a restaurant in the Portuguese capital in the next 18 months


The news was released by RTP, closing a play on Telejornal on December 1: "RTP knows that the famous chef wants to open a restaurant in Lisbon in the near future." The Observer newspaper confirmed the news with a nearby source, which says that Jamie Oliver plans to open a restaurant in Lisbon in the next 18 months. The British chef already has a local partner with whom he is looking for a space to host the project.



Jamie Oliver is 41 and has been mostly known for his cooking shows for more than 10 years. Lately he has been one of the voices that most advocate the benefits of healthy eating. He opened his first restaurant - Fifteen - in London in 2002, and since then he has seen betting on the internationalization of his brand Jamie’s Italian, dedicated to Italian gastronomy. This group is present in England, and of course, Canada, Australia, Brazil, and New Zealand among others, as a franchise.



Source: Observador