Condé Nast distinguishes twice as many Portuguese hotels in 2016
Par Joana P. Il y a 9 ans
The reference guide awarded four hotels in Portugal
The Portuguese hotels were honored by the Condé Nast Johansens Excellence Awards 2017. The ceremony took place on November 7 in London. There were four award-winning hotels, two of which are located in Algarve. The Vintage House Hotel in the Douro was considered the best new hotel in the Condé Nast guide.
The remaining prizes went to the Terra Nostra Garden Hotel in the Azores, which won in the category of best country hotel and, in the Algarve, Monte Rei Golf & Country Clube, considered the best villa or apartment with services, and Casa Modesta as the best environmental hotel.
Source: Jornal de Negócios
Joana P.
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