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Local accommodation attracts more tourists than traditional hotels

Local accommodation attracts more tourists than traditional hotels
Par Joana P. Il y a 9 ans
Catégories :
Hotels Portugal

In one year alone Lisbon earned a total of 267 million euros to the account of local housing

This growth is not only the fact that the Portuguese capital is the destination that attracts more visitors today, but also the preferences of foreign tourists who opt for a more personalized stay at the expense of more formal stay ,offered by traditional hotels.

To this growth contribute  Lisbon and Porto , and not only because of having  an unequivocal quality of real estate , but as its owners love welcoming guests. According to the statements of Eduardo Miranda, president of the Local Accommodation Association in Portugal to the public, in Lisbon 68% of the owners are keen on receiving their guests personally. "On contrary to what is going on here , out there most people do not dive their keys directly to the guest",  explains Eduardo Miranda.

A myth that exists in relation to local housing is that it is low cost. Eduardo Miranda confirmed that in several cases it is indeed the case for substantial savings, especially in relation to large families but this choice is mainly linked to the emotional factor.

Only in Airbnb group has some 12,000 local accommodations registered in the Greater Lisbon area in early 2016, a number that has grown 65% over the previous year, according to the newspaper Diario de Noticias. This development has brought many benefits both to the local economy and, on the other hand, leaves tourists visiting Portugal highly satisfied.

So how it is that owners can attract so many customers? That is because they provide an excellent service. Many will pick up the guests at the airport offering  the tasting of regional products and inviting them to have meals with the family. The friendliness and knowledge receiving such characteristic of the Portuguese, are in fact the soul of this business.

Local accommodation suggestions in Baixa / Chiado in Lisbon: