The Portuguese fish was widely appreciated at all tables
"What most impressed me in Portugal was the quality of its fish and seafood. Wonderful and amazing. To me they are the best in the world". With these words addressed to the newspaper Expresso, Ferran Adrià, the chef of the acclaimed El Bulli, put the Portuguese fish in the mouths of the world, which was in 2011.
Also the chef Thomas Keller, New York City, the only one to receive three Michelin stars in two different restaurants, do not eat other fish than that of Portugal. In fact, this global preference for Portuguese fish it is increasingly evident. The most exclusive restaurants opt for this, fromthe United States to Russia, from Italy to Switzerland.
In order to take advantage of all this recognition and the potential of the Portuguese fish, Portugal Figura de Proa was created in 2016, whose goal is to pass the message that Portugal is able to create an unforgettable experience through the unique flavor of the fish, only needing salt and coals.
This project has as main goal the creation of the Portuguese Fish Route, which basically consists of a gastronomic fish tourism route. This is intended not only to cement the image of Portugal as a gastronomic destination of excellence, but also to affirm the Portuguese fish as an exceptional quality product.
The routs are already being defined, highlighting the best fish of each region, as well as forms of quilting and the choice of places to enjoy these. For its reputation and quality some products and sites have been identified that can not miss this route, such as Ilhavo, well known for cod cooking.

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